Though many would think this is small case. But for me this is critical. The story goes like this:
Though I personally dont like the design at "Anjung Budi" (alumni building in USM) because of the ugly and "silly" roof design under a wonderful tree. We were having some discussion and tea break there. Nice view.. at first...THEN:
I saw a lady. A respected one.
wife of some high ranking officer.
what's wrong with that you might ask.
This is unbelieveble.
She is tapao'ing' (taking away) food. What's wrong?
using whole lot of guess what...yeah you are right..plastic bags!
I thought she understood very well what is our university's vision and policy.
And yet not showing a good example at all to others.
It is so distressing to look at the scene.
How can this high ranking officer always claiming we are leading sustainability efforts?
He still can internalised the very basic concept that he preached about plastics in his family.
Stop deceiving the public and cheat our way to APEX status for being sustainable only in the outward appearence. Just walk the talk. Stop fooling around!
No one says is easy to be champion. Indeed is a steep learning curve.
p/s: am writing this in frustration..Reminded Dr lee said: stay cool...keep the pressure low! ~~phewwww
13 years ago