So much of appreciation night..
Sometimes do they acknowledge the rightful people..
Do not meant to discredit those who earned their respectful awards..
How about those who really worked hard and gave up so much?
It is hard when your works weren't appreciated..
watever la..
I dont know i dont care..
watever that makes you all happy!
13 years ago
dear dear..
You have already done a great job and is already the best thing that i think not much people can do it. The appreciation thingy is just a piece of acknowledgement only. Those who knows you well, know what you have done is already more than enough. Cheer up and strive for the final..
"i'm always here to support you.. hee.. (^^,)"
Abe, chins up :) The higher-ups do not know what exactly you've done and how much you've sacrificed for your passion. Only those who were with you through and through know of your immense contributions. As long as you feel fulfilled, that alone matters. Appreciation night is just a formality. At least, we had free hotel food, 'berdandan cantik' and minimal acknowledgement haha :p
Cheers, we love you! (your darling especially, even more) :p Wakaka...
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